Holistic Acupuncture

Dr. Allan Bazzoli, M.D.


Circling around.

Starting a blog about Holistic Medicine seemed an easy task. I’ve been teaching about the subject thru radio programs and lectures for over 20 years. Just couldn’t get started until today.

What changed? I needed to spend some time alone in OSU’s med school. To let go of the past. Until today, I had always been with my son in Meiling/Graves Hall during his 4 years of med school. I needed to let go of the idea that his smiling face was just around the corner. He has moved on to an Emergency Medicine residency in Cleveland. I needed to move on as well.

We seem to lose our kids in phases from the time they start driving at age 16. But I had the luxury of having Chris close by for 8 years while he was at OSU, undergraduate then med school. The intellectual aspect of letting go is easy. At least for me. It’s the emotional part that is really tough.

But as I was letting go of Chris, I was also thrilled to spend a couple of hours with 1st and 2nd year medical students at OSU’s Graves Hall discussing the integration of holistic medicine concepts into a traditional medical practice . Eager faces and open minds wanting to hear my 30 years of clinical practice. Wonderful session. I love teaching. Always have. But more than once, I tried to see Chris’ smiling face in the back of the room, proud of me as I am so proud of him.

The med students want me back to discuss the “energy” issues surrounding healing. Perfect next step. I am a lucky man to get to teach the part of medicine I’m so passionate about. The universe takes care of us if we can just relax, breathe and flow. A never ending lesson for me.


Dr. Allan Bazzoli, MD is a practitioner of Acupuncture, Holistic Medicine, and Physical Medicine in the Mt. Vernon/Central Ohio and Columbus area.  He is available for speaking engagements on a variety of holistic medical topics.  This material can be distributed free to the public as long as there is no remuneration and credit is given to the author.